Bio For the past seventeen years, I have been fortunate to support uniquely diverse individuals across the whole spectrum of life. My extensive background includes working with individuals in various settings including a treatment centre, elementary school, hospital, queer community centre, leadership camp, youth clinic, elderly person centre and hospice.
*neurodivergence *trauma *LGBTQ2S+ *BIPOC
*person with disabilities *mental health issues *elderly *palliative
In 2005, I earned a Masters degree in Expressive Arts Therapy with a minor in Psychology from the European Graduate School in Switzerland.
In addition of being registered with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, I am professionally affiliated with the BC Art Therapy Association and International Expressive Arts Therapy Association.
Designation of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors
Some of my own practices past and present that inform my work are ceramics, drawing, piano, butoh dance & martial arts.
In my spare time, I love to run along the ocean, play the piano, break out into silly dance moves, sing karaoke, brush the lustrous mane of my elderly lab, be awed by nature and share frequent belly laughs.
Photo: Kayin Fong
S i n g t h e c o l o u r
D a n c e t h e p o e m
A c t t h e d r e a m